6th Grade Activities Information
The Legacy Tennis Program this Spring of 2025 will offer girls tennis to 6th grade students. The girls are allowed 2 weekly practices/matches for 4 weeks for a total of 8 practices/matches. The girls season begins the week of April 21 and ends the week of May 12.
The team will practice for one hour each day from 5:15-6:30PM. Practices will be held at the Legacy Courts. See the practice and match schedule listed to the right side of this page. The matches will be announced at a later date. Matches depend on other teams having a 6th grade program.
​​Will 6th graders need a physical to participate? No
Will 6th graders be required to register online? No
Will 6th graders be required to view the “Know the Risks” video? No
Will 6th graders have to read and sign the Code of Conduct form? No
Is there a fee for 6th grade activities? No
Will the tennis program provide uniforms? tennis t-shirts may be ordered through the online store which will be mentioned in the pre-season meeting for players/parents on March 20 at 5:30PM in the LHS auditorium. If unable to order a t-shirt through the online store the players may where a t-shirt that is LHS identifying. Participants will provide their own shorts.
How will the teams/playing time be set up? Playing will be equal for all participants.
Wednesday, April 23 (Practice will be from 5:15-6:30)
Thursday, April 24 (Practice will be from 5:15-6:30)
Wednesday, April 30 (Practice will be from 5:15-6:30) ​
Thursday, May 1 (Practice will be from 5:15-6:30)
Tuesday, May 6 (Practice will be from 5:15-6:30)
Thursday, May 8 (Match vs. Mandan @ 4:15PM @ Mandan Middle School Courts)
Tuesday, May 13 (Match vs. St. Marys @ 4:15PM @ Tom O'Leary Tennis Courts)
Wednesday, May 14: (Final Practice will be from 5:15-6:30)