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Boys Tennis Boosters


​Agendas & Minutes (link)

Treasurer Reports/Budgets (link)


President:  Karmen Svihovec
V. President:  Heather Kitzan
Secretary:  Tom Kalb
Treasurer:  Lisa Trihub

​The Legacy Boys Tennis Boosters is a 501c(3) organization. Sponsorships are a charitable donation.  Fed ID#: 82-4779933

501(c)(3) Determination Letter (pdf)
IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search (link) - Search for EIN # 82-4779933


If you are interested in becoming a Legacy Boys Tennis Boosters sponsor for the current academic school year, please click on the sponsor letter for more information.


The Legacy Boys Tennis Boosters and Players would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for supporting our tennis team the 2024-2025 academic school year.  Your contributions help improve the sporting experience of our athletes and improve the Sabers boys tennis team.

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13-Flyway Media_edited.jpg

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