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Photo Credit:  Platinum Photograpy

Joel Anderson

Joel Anderson is the son of Jennifer and Travis Anderson. He has played tennis for 2 years.


Cooper Degenstein

Cooper Degenstein is the son of Lisa & Lance Trihub and Cary Degenstein. He has played tennis for 6 years. After high school, Cooper plans to attend Bismarck State College. His favorite memories of Legacy Boys Tennis are the bus rides to and from away matches because they have always been fun with the team. The advice he wants to pass on to his teammates is: "Keep at it & have fun!"


Ethan Doll

Ethan Doll is the son of Kent and Lisa Doll. He has played tennis for 6 years. After high school, Ethan plans to attend college for a degree in computer engineering. His favorite memory of Legacy Boys Tennis is hanging out with the team, especially on the out of town trips and matches. The advice he wants to share with his teammates is: "Try and enjoy the time you have left of school and on the tennis team since it goes quicker than you think."


El Jay Dugenio

El Jay Dugenio is the son of Jessie and Loren Klein. He has played tennis for 4 years.


Tristan Haider

Tristan Haider is the son of Dwight and Gina Haider. He has played tennis for 6 years. After high school, Tristan plans to attend college for computer science or something similar. His favorite memory of Legacy Boys Tennis is definitely the bus trips. His advice for his teammates is: "Play hard and don’t give up. It’s not only physically demanding; you have to be mentally strong as well."


Caleb Johnson

Caleb Johnson is the son of Ryan and Heidi Johnson. He has played tennis for 6 years. After high school, Caleb plans to attend NDSU. His favorite memory of Legacy Boys Tennis is when everyone qualified for State his sophomore year, specifically Nathan and Cooper. The advice he wants to pass on to his teammates is: "Enjoy the time you have playing and the time around your teammates. Don't take it for granted."


Dylan Malard

Dylan Malard is the son of Daren and DeNica Malard. He has played tennis for 3 years. After high school, Dylan plans to attend college but is undecided on his major. His favorite memory of Legacy Boys Tennis is going to Williston because that was fun. The advice he wants to pass on to his teammates is: "Never lose confidence!"


Cooper Miller

Cooper Miller is the son of Amy & Doug Miller. He has played tennis for 6 years. After high school, Cooper plans to attend NDSU to major in business and then get a real estate license. His favorite memory of Legacy Boys Tennis is getting All-Conference in Doubles last year. His advice for his teammates is: "Have fun in whatever you do. Make sure to pick your teammates up. Be a leader whether that’s in tennis or in life."


Carson Peterson

Carson Peterson is the son of Rachelle Banks. He has played tennis for 2 years. After high school, Carson plans to attend college. His favorite memories of Legacy Boys Tennis are the travel games that he found extremely fun. His advice for his teammates is: "Don't get upset after losing one point. If you let it get to you, you will almost never win. Take it as a learning experience on how you can do better, or just accept the player is better than you and have that encourage you to get better."


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