Tennis Info
Preseason Meeting: Monday, July 29, 2024, @ 5:30PM - LHS Auditorium
Opening Date: August 12, 2024
JV Tournament: Sept 28, 2024 - Bismarck/Mandan
Regional: Oct 3-5, 2024 - Minot
State: Oct 10-12, 2024 - Grand Forks
Preseason Meeting: Monday, March 24, 2025 @ 5:30PM- LHS Auditorium
Opening Date: March 31, 2025
JV Tournament: May 17, 2025
Regional: May 22-24, 2025- Mandan
State: May 29-May 31, 2025- Grand Forks
PRACTICE TIMES (subject to change)
Varsity/JV: 3:45-5:30pm
JV#2: 5:15-6:30pm
Please join the Remind application on your electronic device if you haven't. This application is the main resource used for communication amongst players/parents. Once you have uploaded the application, follow the prompts.
Enter the code @763764 to join Legacy Boys Tennis
Enter the code @legacyten to join Legacy Girls Tennis
The purpose of the handbook is to provide a complete overview of the Legacy Tennis Programs. Every player should be familiar with its contents.
Participation in the tennis program is a privilege. Dedication, self-discipline, cooperation, and a solid work ethic is the foundation of a successful team. Each player is expected to demonstrate a positive/exemplary attitude at all times both on and off the court. Working hard in school, at practice, and placing team goals ahead of personal goals are priorities.
You are a representative of the Bismarck community. Be respectful and courteous of all people at all times and represent your school with the utmost pride and dignity. Being poised and staying in control of your behavior is a must in tennis. Practice it on and off the court.
No Cutting Policy
The Legacy tennis programs are no cut programs. A senior who doesn't make the top seven on the roster can practice with the team and challenge throughout the season to improve his/her position. At the end of the conference dual season, if a senior is in the top 12 of the tournament roster, he/she will be a part of the post season tournament roster. It doesn't guarantee his/her right to play, however, he/she could play as governed by the coach. Making the tournament roster also allows any senior to be recognized as a varsity letter winner. A senior will not play JV tennis. A senior can only play JV tennis if the roster is not complete through 12 players. Any senior who is 8 or higher on the roster, or any player other than a senior 13 or higher on the roster will play JV#2 matches and will be a part of the JV#2 team.
All players are expected to be punctual for all practices. Unexcused absences will not be tolerated. Practices will be held at the Legacy HS courts from 3:45-5:15PM for the V/JV & from 5:15-6:30PM for the JV#2 each day unless otherwise noted. All home matches will be held at the Legacy HS courts. Please communicate with me if any situation arises that will keep you from attending practice. You can either call me via cell phone (391-4874) or email me at scott_mcpherson@bismarckschools.org., or you can contact my boy's/girl's assistant coach, Jim McMahon, via cell phone (214-1505) or email at james_mcmahon@bismarckshools.org or my girl's assistant coach, Camaryn Beasley, via cell phone (1-701-391-6465) or email at cambambeasley@icloud.com. Much of the team's success this season depends on each player's willingness to work hard in practice, therefore, 100% attendance is necessary.
Challenge Matches
Challenge matches are used to determine each player's position on the team's roster at the beginning of the season. #1-6 are considered Varsity, #7-12 are Junior Varsity, and #13 and up are considered JV #2. All players on the team will get matches. #1-12 are on the team roster for the post season WDA and State Tournaments. During the season, any players on the Junior Varsity or JV #2 will have opportunities to challenge or be challenged through the season for his/her position on the roster. The coach will determine the challenge matches each week. No two players can play each other twice in one week. It's my philosophy as a coach that the more challenge opportunities a player has on the JV / JV #2 Squad to improve his/her position on the team, a more competitive player will be the result. After the team roster has been established, the head coach will determine when a Varsity challenge match should occur. At mid season, Varsity challenge matches will occur only if the player lower on the ladder has a better singles record than the player above him/her as a result of regular season matches.
Doubles Combinations
Doubles combinations will be decided by the coach for season matches and can change throughout the season. Skill level, age, and compatibility are significant factors in determining doubles teams.
West Region Individual Tournament
The individual tourney will be dictated by the preferences of the players from the top of the team ladder and down. The top 7 players on the team are eligible to play in the West Region Individual tourney. The top 8 singles players and doubles teams advance to the State Individual Tournament. If you are a senior in the top 7, you will have 1st choice of what event you would like to participate. After seniors have chosen, the remaining events will be chosen according to roster position. There are a possibility of 3 singles positions and 2 doubles teams that can play in the tournament. I, as a coach, will often give my input to the players as to what events may be their best opportunity to qualify for the state tournament, however, the decision ultimately lies with each player.
West Region Team Tournament
The ultimate goal for the team at this tournament is to qualify for the state tournament. The team lineup will be determined by our opponent. Therefore, our team lineup can change with each match that we play. Any players on the roster from #1-12 can be used in the lineup even though #7-12 played primarily Junior Varsity through the regular season. The coaches are continually making decisions for the best interest of the team. We will determine whether a player competes in singles or doubles. As long as players are willing to accept the roles that are determined by the coaches, team success is usually the result. Lineups are also discussed with the team prior to each match to ensure each player is comfortable with their role.
A player must compete in a varsity match and be in the program for minimally two years in order to become a letterwinner. If a player makes the post season tournament roster which includes the players from 1-9, he/she is eligible to be a letterwinner. If a 7th or 8th grader plays in a varsity match or makes the post season tournament roster, he/she will get a letter of recognition.
Any 7th-12th grade student at Legacy High School, Simle Middle School, or is homeschooled and lives in the Legacy district is eligible to be a member of the Legacy Tennis Program
Please refer to the Handbook section in the Announcements drop down menu for more specifics related to the LHS Tennis program.
The official schedule for the Boy's and Girl's teams are posted on rschool Today. The link to rschool is found here.
Inclement weather: In the event of rain, practices will be held indoors at Capital Racquet & Fitness Center. All players MUST bring $1 to cover court costs. Indoor practice time will be posted on team website.
Daily Practices will be at the Legacy HS courts (M-F)
All home Varsity/JV matches will be held at Legacy HS courts
Parents, friends, teammates and other fans:
Are not permitted on the court
Should not lean or crowd around the fence
May not converse with players once they enter the court
May not coach or help with scoring or line calls
Should refrain from distracting the players
May cheer or applaud when one of the players hits a winning shot, but should not cheer or applaud when players commit unforced errors
Tennis Plaza
Tennis Warehouse
BPS Concussion Policy
BPS Travel Waiver Form
LHS/Simle MS Athletic Registration (link)
BPS Sports Physical Info (link)
Platinum Photography Order Forms (all forms)
Platinum Photo Online Orders - $3 processing fee on all online orders.
Purchasing a Tennis Racket
Top Items For Tennis Bag
Important announcement regarding concussion baseline testing change
Sway PDF
Athletes will need to bring their smartphone or tablet to testing with the Sway app already downloaded
BPS and Sanford will no longer be using the ImPACT baseline and post-injury testing for concussion care. Instead, starting with the 2023-24 school year, BPS and Sanford will now utilize an app from Sway Medical for baseline testing, sideline evaluation and return-to-learn and return-to-play. With Sway, we are able to establish balance and cognitive baselines in roughly 20 minutes for all your student-athletes at once that have a mobile device to use. The mobile dashboard for the athletic trainer allows them to monitor each student-athlete’s progress through the baseline session in real time. If you are interested, here is some additional info on Sway (https://www.swaymedical.com/)
Criteria for those who need to take a Baseline Test is listed below:
Baseline testing needs to be done for ALL participants in grades 9-12 for ALL sports before the date of your first competition
Student-athletes cannot participate in competition without a baseline test
Student-athletes will need to bring their smartphone or tablet to testing with the Sway app already downloaded.
Testing CANNOT be completed using a laptop/Chromebook
In addition to student-athletes in grades 9-12 participating in sports, baseline testing will also include…..
Any 7th or 8th grader that will be up practicing or competing with the varsity and/or sub-varsity programs
Any co-op student-athlete from another school that participates on a BPS sponsored team
All 7th and 8th grade football players